Why practise mindfulness meditation?

Meditation is a mind-body practice available to everyone, which consists of focusing attention on thoughts and sensations. It is also an effective ally in the therapeutic field. It is mainly used to attract calm, relaxation and balance. It helps to improve health and well-being.

Meditation: How does it work?

By focusing on our feelings and inner self, meditation allows us to let go. In particular, meditation exercises are conducive to great relaxation and the removal of negative thoughts and stress. Thus, meditating allows one to focus on authentic things and also to develop positive habits for good mental and physical functioning. Thus, it enhances well-being.

Meditation is central to many spiritual and religious customs but can be used outside of these practices.

The principle of meditation is based on the relationship between thoughts, emotions and body sensations.

The types of meditation are varied, but they all have four main points in common:

  • A calm and silent place, in which meditation will be possible since distractions will be minimal.
  • A comfortable position (sitting, standing or walking).
  • Concentration on a specific point which changes according to the style of meditation. The focus can be on speech, visualization of a physical or imaginary object, or on a sensation.
  • An open attitude that leaves room for meditation and the “back and forth” of distraction.

Meditation techniques differ from one another. The most common types are vipassana meditation, transcendental meditation, Zen meditation and mindfulness meditation. The latter is the most common in the West. It is a revisited Western version of traditional Buddhist meditation.

Meditation consists of practising visualisation, clearing the mind and training concentration skills.

Meditation: What is it for?

Mediation is a tool to attract inner peace and to relieve body and mind. A meditation session allows you to relax. This practice makes one aware that the mind is subject to an influx of thoughts that can cause stress and negative ideas.

The principle of meditation allows us to get out of the automatisms that we impose on our mind and to refocus it on the essential.

In general, meditation can be used to better cope with daily difficulties, to recharge our batteries and feel better.

More specifically, some meditation techniques are effective for losing weight, managing stress and emotions, making better decisions…

Meditation has been investigated by science and its effects have been demonstrated through scientific studies. Thus, it could slow down the aging of the brain, learn to better manage pain or alleviate the symptoms of depression.

In the Buddhist tradition, the aim of meditation is to alleviate suffering. It is about getting ourselves in a condition to connect with our inner self, while letting go of our need for control.

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes, Symptoms and Therapy with Potencialex

Erectile dysfunction (also known as impotence) is a medical term that refers to a condition that many men are reluctant to discuss. A sober approach to this common condition would enable quick and effective treatment for many cases. Erectile dysfunction almost always results from specific psychological or physical factors.

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Taboo Terms: Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction, and Erectile Disorder

It is difficult to understand the meaning of erectile disorder and terms like impotence and dysfunction. What does erectile dysfunction actually mean? Erectile dysfunction doesn’t necessarily mean that erection is impossible. If the penis becomes flaccid after a brief time, it is known as impotence. (See below for more details). These erectile dysfunctions can last for a long time and cause problems with sexual intimacy. Impotence can cause significant stress to the partner and self-esteem.

It is not unusual to Experience Impotence

Experts believe that erectile dysfunction is a common problem. In the age group between 60 and 69, one in ten men suffer from it. One in ten men aged 40-49 suffer from erectile dysfunction.1 Unfortunately, many people are reluctant to talk about these issues and there is a high rate of unreported cases. Acceptance of the problem and a clear diagnosis is key to successful treatment for impotence. It is important to realize that you are not the only one suffering from erectile dysfunction. For doctors, it is an everyday part of daily life.

Get a professional Diagnosis

In the event of psychologically stress erectile disorder, it is important to visit the doctor. A professional examination can confirm that the condition exists. Erectile dysfunction is diagnosed from a medical perspective only if a failed attempt to erection results in impotence. These are temporary problems that will eventually resolve.

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Find the Triggers: What causes Erectile Dysfunction?

To determine the cause of erectile dysfunction and to choose the right medication or therapy, it is important to identify them. A thorough exam by a qualified physician is necessary to determine the exact cause of erection. Erection is a tiny miracle that requires many parts to interact within the body. Sometimes, however, it’s not the physical cause of erectile dysfunction that is problematic. This could be due to psychological issues, such as stress.

The main Triggers are Physical Causes

As of now, it is believed that approximately 70% of all erectile problems are caused by physical factors. Age is a common cause of impotence. Around 50 years old, men are most often affected. However, it is important not to blame impotence symptoms on your age. In many cases, the absence of erection can also be a sign of other diseases, which may not have been identified yet and could have a long-term negative impact on your health. Therefore, it is not enough to mask the problem with Viagra or other sexual enhancements. It is important to get to the root of the problem.

As common Physical Triggers, Diseases

Patients with erectile dysfunction should be aware of signs and symptoms and consult a doctor if they are unclear. There are many diseases that may accompany it unconsciously and unnoticed. Time is a key factor in the success or failure of any therapy. If you have erectile dysfunction, it is important to seek advice from an expert.

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Cardiovascular Disease

Heart disease is the most common cause of impotence. Hardening of the arteries, also known as vascular calcification and arteriosclerosis, makes it more difficult for blood to flow into your penis. It can also prevent the penis of holding on to blood for long enough. Both cases result in an insufficient erection, which is not sufficient for sexual intercourse.

Neurological Diseases

Although sexual intercourse and sexuality can be perceived as physical processes, the brain still plays a role. Erection cannot be achieved without the proper impulses from your brain. Impotence is also a serious risk factor for all diseases that alter brain signal transmission (e.g. multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s dementia, stroke)

Interactions between the Physical and the Psychological

Erectile dysfunction can be triggered by psychological stress, even though impotence is usually caused by natural conditions. This is because of the complex interactions that can complicate treatment. A two-pronged approach is required. Impotence, which can cause stress and self-doubt in male self-esteem, is one of the most damaging pressures. This pressure can have a negative impact on your daily life, and it is almost always associated with psychological problems. These problems can lead to other issues.

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Potential Psychological causes of Impotence

Sometimes however, impotence is not caused by a physical problem, but rather untreated psychological issues. Age plays a part here too. While older men tend to suffer from physical induced potency disorders, young men are more likely to be affected by psychological issues. These include low self-confidence, anxiety, depression, identity problems, and conflict in the relationship. Erectile dysfunction can be seen as a cry to help for psychological distress.

How important is Good Nutrition for Health?

Food is a source of energy and nutrients for the body. They strengthen your body and boost your immune system. This makes them essential for your physiological development and overall health. However, each food has its own characteristics and different effects on the human body. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between eating and eating well. Find out here about the importance of healthy nutrition and the different roles of food in your body.

The benefits of good nutrition on digestion

There is an obvious link between diet and the digestive system. However, this relationship is much more complex than it seems. Many people are convinced that the time it takes to digest food depends solely on the amount of food consumed. This analysis is partly wrong. The quantity of food does play a role. But it is mainly the nature of the food that matters. Fruit and vegetables are mainly made up of water and fibre. This makes them easy to digest and facilitates transit. In contrast, foods rich in sugar or fat slow down the digestive system. This considerably increases the time needed to convert them into energy.

The role of food in muscle and bone development

Food is one of the most important factors in your physiological development. This is because food contains nutrients and other substances that are beneficial to the body. Once consumed, they are converted into calories and sent to the bone and muscle fibres. This allows for their gradual strengthening and long-term development. Following this logic, a lack of nutrients has the opposite effect. The body wastes away, muscles atrophy and bones become brittle. The symptoms of obesity and osteoporosis gradually start to appear. So there is a link between nutrition and health that no one can dispute.

The impact of diet on cognitive abilities

The proverbial healthy mind in a healthy body is far from unfounded. A good diet is beneficial to the body in three ways. It allows for rapid digestion, a constant supply of energy and significant physiological development.

The body then enters a virtuous circle and provides the brain with all the calories it needs to function properly. This is why chess players do not neglect the aspect of fair and sustainable consumption. They pay as much attention to their diet and physical condition. They are aware of the true demands of their mind. The current chess champion is a world famous model

The impact of nutrition on sleep

The impact of your food choices on your various activities is clearly defined. But what about your sleep? Is a good diet essential for a good night’s sleep? Here is the answer.

Sleep is a time for your body to rest. It allows your body and mind to recover the energy spent earlier in the day. But the body never really stops working. So even when you sleep, you are using up calories. That’s why you need to eat properly. By choosing the right foods, you can ensure a calm and peaceful night.

Furthermore, products with added sugars have the opposite effect on your body. They make you hyperactive and prevent you from falling asleep. Fatty products are also not recommended in the evening. They prolong the digestion phase and reduce the time you spend resting.

In conclusion, your food choices have a direct impact on your nights and the quality of your sleep.

The consequences of malnutrition

Malnutrition is the regular and excessive consumption of foods with low nutritional value. It is considered the exact opposite of good nutrition. As such, it is harmful for many reasons. Firstly, it weakens your immune system. Secondly, it causes a hormonal imbalance that affects the whole body. Thirdly, it forces you to increase the amount of money you spend on medical care.

Weakening of the immune system

The body is able to resist diseases and infections thanks to its immune system. It is a kind of protection, a kind of anti-virus that is present in every organism and develops over time. To function properly, the immune system needs energy. They therefore draw on the calories and nutrients contained in your meals.

A person who is malnourished either eats too little or eats low-energy foods. Such a lifestyle does not help to build up the immune system. As a result, people who are malnourished are much more likely to fall victim to disease or illness.

The development of hormonal dysfunctions

Hormones are molecules that play a key role in every aspect of your life. Some make you feel joy, some are used to generate fear and some are responsible for managing your sex life. The hormonal system is constantly active. This is why it needs a significant amount of nutrients.

Malnutrition does not allow the body to provide the hormones with the calories they need to function properly. As a result, the hormones are unable to perform all their tasks. This results in :

  • difficulty in concentrating;
  • tantrums;
  • Continuous fatigue;
  • erectile dysfunction, etc.
  • Increased medical expenses, etc.

In conclusion, every aspect of your life is affected.

Increased medical expenses

A malnourished body is constantly in bad shape. No matter how much you eat, your nutritional needs are not met. The body is therefore unable to develop properly. This leads to a series of malfunctions and increasingly frequent medical visits.

Malnutrition is not the result of an infection or pathology. It is the result of dozens of irrational food choices. It therefore leaves severe after-effects on the body. It is very difficult to treat all the effects. This is why sufferers are forced to spend a fortune on consultations, medicines and treatments of all kinds.

How can I Lose Weight in a Healthy Way?

Healthy means that you are at the right weight for your body. Talking to a dietitian or doctor is the best way to determine if your weight is healthy. They will ask questions about your diet and exercise habits, examine growth charts and determine if there are any health issues.

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Success Tips

Best weight management strategies can be used for life. We’ll keep this list as simple as we can.

Make it a Family Affair

Ask your dad and mom for support. It is important to be healthy and make positive lifestyle changes for your family. Teens who have the support and encouragement of their families are more likely to succeed.

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Be Careful what you Drink

It is amazing just how many calories are found in sodas, juices and coffee drinks. You can cut down on soda consumption or avoid sports drinks to reduce your daily calories by as much as 150 calories. To quench your thirst, drink water or other drinks that don’t contain sugar. You can also choose to drink skim milk or low-fat milk in place of whole milk.

Begin by making small Changes

It is easier to stick with small changes than drastic ones. You can, for example, stop drinking soft drinks and reduce the size of your meals. Once you have achieved this, you can make other changes such as eating more vegetables for dinner and walking ten minutes after school.

When you feel satisfied, stop eating

When you feel satisfied, pay attention to what you eat and stop eating. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to understand that you are full so eat slowly. You can avoid eating another portion by pausing before you repeat.

Before you prepare a snack, notice if your hunger levels. You shouldn’t eat when you’re angry, sad, or bored. Instead, take a walk around your neighborhood, or talk to a friend. It is helpful for many people to keep track of what they eat and when they eat it. You may need to take a moment to reflect on what you eat before you decide to eat the cookies. You can identify the emotions that are triggering your eating behavior by reviewing the journal.

You should stick to a consistent schedule for Meals and Snacks

A regular routine will help you manage your hunger better. You may overeat if you skip meals. You can control your hunger by adding 1 to 2 healthy snacks to your main meals.

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Consume more Fruits and Veggies

Fast food is no longer the best option. Eat more fruits and vegetables. You can feel fuller and maintain a healthy heart and other body functions by eating fruits and vegetables. Consider including fruits and vegetables in every meal.

Avoid crash Diets

Fad diets promise quick weight loss. These diets often require you to give up certain foods, ingredients, or eat only one type of food. They don’t work long-term and can be harmful to your health.

Don’t ban your favorite Foods

You don’t have to tell yourself that you won’t eat chocolate peanut butter ice-cream again. You’ll be more inclined to crave those delicious treats if you ban them. Healthy foods are the key to long-term success.

Keep Moving

Do not obsess about being a part of a team sport, or taking aerobic training classes. You can get enough exercise without having to do it. To find what you love, try a variety activities from biking to hiking to dancing. Everybody needs to begin at some point. You can start by doing a few laps around your neighborhood after school, and then gradually increase the intensity of your exercise.

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You can find other Ways to be active every Day

You can walk to school, go up and down stairs before getting in your shower, or help your parents with the garden. Whatever it takes, so long as you are moving. All of these activities add up to your daily goal of exercising at least 60 minutes per day.

Develop Muscle

Strength training can be a great addition to your exercise program. It will help you lose weight and tone your body. To get stronger, you can use weights, resistance bands and pilates. Aerobic training should be part of a balanced exercise program.

What is the best Gout Treatment?

Gout is a rheumatic condition that can affect between 1% to 2% of the world’s population. Gout is caused by the formation urate crystals within the tissues and joints. Because these areas are the coldest, the crystals trigger an inflammation response. The foot, especially the big toe, is the most affected limb.

Here you will find the best natural treatment for Gout: Gout Treatment

Uric acid is normally dissolved in blood and expelled through the urine. Gout is a condition where crystals form under the skin and joints when uric acid levels rise. Gout is a disorder in metabolism.

What are the causes of Gout?

Two main causes of gout in the feet are:

Overproduction of uric acids.

The kidney cannot eliminate the excess uric acid our bodies secrete.

Adults over 40 are most likely to suffer from it. This problem is more common in men than in women. In fact, only 25% of those who suffer from it are female and most of them are in their twenties.

It is worth noting that normal uric acid blood levels are 2.4 mg/dl for women and 6.0 mg/dl for men.

In this Channel you can learn all about Gout and its Symptoms: Gout Home Remedy


Gout is a condition that most often manifests itself in the following symptoms:

Pain in the feet at any joint. The pain can be sudden. Patients often use phrases such as “I went to sleep well, but I woke up unable walk,” “The friction of the sheets bothers me”, and others.

Nighttime is when the pain is worse. Because the temperature of the joints is lower at night, the pain is greater at night.

A good Diet is vital to prevent Gout: Gout Diet

The affected area is unusually shaped. It is often hot and reddened. Sometimes it becomes swollen.

The specialist will perform several diagnostic tests, including a blood test to determine the level of uric acid in the blood. It is important to note that the blood levels can be fine even when there is a gout attack. The expert might take fluid from the affected area to determine if there are uric acid crystals.


Certain habits and some pathologies can increase the likelihood of developing gout. Gout can be caused by factors such as a higher level of uric acid.

These are just a few of the Factors:

  • High blood pressure
  • Consuming alcohol
  • In renal insufficiency, the kidneys don’t remove wastes efficiently.
  • Consume foods high in purines as this substance can be converted to uric acid after decomposition.
  • The genetic factor can influence the family members with the disease.
  • Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid.
  • A medical condition that causes cells to multiply or become less efficient than normal, such as psoriasis or hemolytic anemia, or cancer.
  • High blood pressure and other coronary issues can make it difficult to take diuretic medications.
  • Overweight and obesity.

In this Pharmacy you will find many Natural Options to prevent Gout: Home Remedies For Gout


Gout treatment can include a variety of medications. It aims to reduce the pain and prevent irreversible damage to your joints. We offer a number of suggestions to help lower blood uric acid levels.

Early diagnosis is key. You must see a specialist to determine the best treatment. As collateral damage may occur at the renal or coronary levels, it is more likely that there are vascular issues that could affect the heart and brain.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat well. To prevent your kidneys from overworking, it is important to eat a low-salt diet and keep purines to a minimum.

Gout manifests different Symptoms: Gout Symptoms

Are there any Natural Home Remedies against Erectile Dysfunction?

Potency disorders can impact the mood of men and the quality of life for a couple. Sometimes, simple home remedies can help with erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction (also known as sexual impotence) is the inability to conceive or maintain a sufficient erection for a satisfying relationship. Don’t feel ashamed if you suffer from this condition. Many factors, both psychological and physical, may be involved in this problem. Here are some suggestions from grandmothers for reducing your sexual impotence, as per naturopath Faiza Soummar.

Potencialex contains amazing natural Ingredients to overcome Impotence: Potencialex Original

Ginger can solve your Erectile Issues

Ginger is a vasodilatory agent that increases blood flow. Ginger is an excellent aphrodisiac food. Our grandmothers knew this and provided us with recipes to combat erectile dysfunction. An example of an infusion is to grate 50g of fresh ginger, and then steep it in a liter water for at least four hours. To see results and improve your libido, you must drink two glasses of it per day. Wait 15 days before drinking again.

Oil Seeds and Dried Dates against Erectile Dysfunction

Mix equal quantities of flax seeds, almonds, walnuts and dates into a powder. This is another home remedy for erectile problems. Mix the powder with a glass water and consume it every day to combat erectile dysfunction.

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Turmeric can increase Sexual Potency

Traditional medicine uses turmeric for its healing properties. It could be used to prevent stress, hypertension and diabetes or even heart disease. These diseases can cause impotence so this plant is your friend. Mix it with pepper to make turmeric more easily absorbed. It is best to consume the turmeric fresh, in a vegetable juice or in a ginger-infused decoction.

Garlic is a good Herb to increase Blood Circulation

A few cloves of garlic may help with erection problems. It is also known to increase blood circulation. Garlic is known to promote erection by affecting the blood vessels opening during sex. This is called vasodilation. It’s not the best thing for your breath. Try mints instead!

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Cinnamon is a great Vasodilator

For many centuries, this spice has been used in traditional Chinese medicine. Cinnamon is used often in winter recipes. It warms the body and has a positive effect on blood circulation. It can be taken orally, or combined with essential oils for a massage to reap its benefits. A cinnamon ginger infusion is another option. Essential oils should always be used with caution. For information on contraindications or precautions, consult a Naturopath.

Maca and its energizing Qualities

Maca, also known by andenginseng is a South American plant that has been used for its fertility-enhancing, energizing and libido-enhancing properties. It’s also rich in micronutrients which make it very interesting globally. It can be taken in powder form and mixed with yogurt. You can also add it to juices of fruit and vegetables, at a rate of 1 teaspoon per day. Its exotic flavor makes it extremely pleasant.

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To increase Testosterone, Tribulus Terrestris

The positive effects of this plant on men’s sexual performance are well-known in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. The plant’s high content of saponins, which promote testosterone production, has direct effects on libido. Consuming maca could enhance this effect.

What are the best principles of Personal Development to Improve your Life?

Here are the most important principles for improving your life:

Giving as a prerequisite for abundance

Giving always accompanies the possibility of receiving, because human relationships function according to a dynamic of reciprocity.

Thus, since relationships are a state of continuous exchange with others, ceasing to express openness and altruism is tantamount to preparing for conflict and loneliness.

This is why “giving” is so essential: it promotes the continuity of this exchange and puts us in the most favourable conditions to receive.

The more we give, the more we receive. And I’m not talking about the famous (and smoky) “law of attraction”.

I am talking about nurturing the cooperation that has built the foundations of human civilisations since the dawn of time.

To improve this area of your life, you can make the following decision: every time you enter into a relationship with someone, give them something. This gift does not have to be material.

The most valuable gifts are often immaterial, such as affection, attention, compliments, recognition, encouragement, giving your time, etc.

Cultivate detachment

It is important to first want what we have, to be content with it.

With detachment and letting go, if we want to acquire anything, we can first give up our attachment to it.

This seems paradoxical: we combine the intention to obtain what we desire with the detachment to lose it.

This is because we are always attached to what things mean to us.

Thus, detachment lightens the consciousness and nourishes freedom. We can get everything, we can lose everything.

It helps us to detach ourselves and to see that happiness lies mainly in ourselves.

Finding your path and your life goals

Everyone can find their own path and goals in life. Everyone has at least one unique talent and a personal way to express it.

Each person always has abilities that allow him or her to do certain things better than others. But for each talent, there are also unique needs.

And when these needs match the creative expression of your talent, that is what creates the spark that gives meaning to your life. So a fundamental goal is to discover who we really are.

It is also to express our talent as often as possible, when we have found it, and to direct our expression to serve others as well (and first).

Free yourself from unwanted thoughts that make you suffer

Many people suffer in silence, which is why I make the release of unwanted thoughts the first principle of personal development.

Indeed, these people are struggling with thoughts that make them suffer, thoughts that keep coming back and that deal with subjects that can be very unpleasant and sometimes even disturbing.

Needless to say, such an experience is enough to sow doubt and make one question oneself, for the wrong reasons…

It is not surprising that these contents, in our mind, can be a source of suffering, small and large.

And these thoughts can become obsessive as we fight them and they end up filling our daily life with negative emotions.

In this context, it is difficult to dedicate oneself to personal development.

However, it is possible to understand the process by which these thoughts keep coming back to plague our lives, and to turn back and allow them to free our minds.

This results in less anxiety, less suffering, and a better state of being.

If you are one of those people who suffer silently from such thoughts, I invite you to read this detailed article that will explain how they work and how to free yourself from them.

Our beliefs shape our self-esteem

What we think about ourselves becomes absolutely true for ourselves, even if it is absolutely false!

As a result, each of us has a responsibility for what we experience, the best and the worst.

Since we have control over our thoughts and our thoughts construct our life experiences and emotions, we can change the way we think and speak to create new, more constructive experiences.

For example, you can say to yourself, “Everyone can always help me,” rather than “Others are there to take advantage of me.”

Each of these beliefs will generate very different experiences and emotions. And what we believe becomes true for ourselves…

We all have a core value

We all possess, equally, an equal intrinsic value that no one can take away from us. Unfortunately, we rarely believe in this core value…

For example, the person who is convinced that no one can appreciate him or her will experience more rejection.

The goal is therefore to let go of destructive beliefs and to see how absolutely lovable we are, which will help us to look around us with kindness.

With such a view of life, you will find that people who already like you will like you more and you will express your love more easily to others.

Putting love (in the broadest sense) at the basis of our actions

It is often difficult to put love at the centre of our lives and actions. We have no time, we are too busy, too stressed…

Yet, love and kindness towards ourselves and others would make our lives much easier. For example, if we try to control others, we waste our energy.

To apply this principle, we must first accept, that is, we can engage with people and circumstances as they present themselves to us. This openness is a form of love.

Another important dimension of this ‘love’ is responsibility. It means not blaming anyone for what happens to us.

Since all problems contain solutions and opportunities, this responsibility helps us to transform each situation positively.

We tend to reproduce the emotional environment we experienced when we were young

Our childhood influences help us to know ourselves. They are neither good nor bad.

We tend to treat ourselves as our parents did and we often recreate the kinds of relationships we had with our parents.

We criticise ourselves if our parents criticised us; we keep our courage up if our parents encouraged us.

To clarify this pattern in your life, think about your relationship with your boss, at work, or in your relationship with your partner, for example.

If the result of this test is negative, do not blame your parents. They did their best and could not teach you what they did not know. Be compassionate with your parents and ask them about their childhood instead.

In this way, you will better understand their beliefs – even if they are eventually destructive – and you will learn to free yourself from certain fears or rigid thoughts.

The greatest power we have is the power of the present moment

All the experiences in our lives stem from the moments we have experienced through our past thoughts and attitudes. Those moments are gone.

What is important now is to choose what we think, do and say in the present, especially through letting go and mindfulness.

This ‘power’ comes from the fact that our present helps to shape the events we will experience tomorrow, next week, next month, and so on. So, are the thoughts you are having right now negative or positive?

Are they helping to shape a future of satisfaction and well-being?

Even if we have held destructive thoughts for a long time, the past has no bearing on our lives. What matters is the present and its potential for positive change!

The reality we face is our thoughts, and we can change our thoughts…

Whatever problems and difficulties we face in our lives are only the external effects of our thoughts and inner life.

For example, the self-criticism that leads to low self-esteem is only a negative thought about ourselves.

When you say to yourself “I am worthless”, this thought produces a cascade of consequences, including negative emotions such as sadness and anger.

Therefore, if you avoid this kind of thinking, you cut off the destructive consequences that usually follow.

In other words, if you change your thoughts for the better, your emotions will happily follow in the same direction.

Why is Reduslim important for Weight Loss?

It is not enough to eat less. Good habits are also important to help you lose extra weight. Some people complain that they have tried a diet for several weeks but have not lost the kilos they wanted.

It could be that the diet they tried years ago worked poorly for them or that was shared with a friend didn’t work. Nothing works.

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These are the Habits that will help you lose weight successfully


It is impossible to lose many kilos within a week. You need to be realistic about your goals. To guide you through this process, it is best to consult a specialist.

You don’t have to be Overweight

It is important to lose weight, not just kilos. Exercise is also essential to maintain muscle mass. You should also remember that weight can fluctuate within a single day. It doesn’t matter if you weigh yourself at noon or before breakfast. This can also occur when hormonal changes take place in women.

Loose clothes can be a good indicator that you’re on the right path.

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Don’t skip Meals

It is common to believe that eating less meals per day will help you lose weight quicker. However, it is likely that you will feel hungry again and eat more. It is advisable to eat multiple times per day: breakfast, mid-morning snack and lunch, as well as tea, tea, and lunch.

Reduce Portions

While it is okay to follow a diet plan, it is not advisable to eat three times the recommended amount. It is a good idea to bring the dishes to the table instead of placing them on a platter and to use smaller plates.

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Take a look at the Dressings

Salads can be great for helping you lose weight. But, if you add high-calorie foods to it, your results will not be as good. Croutons can also cause the same problem.

Concentrate your Eating

You may not be aware of what you eat if you’re in front of a computer or TV. It is better to take the time to sit down at a table, pay attention to what your eating and to take the time to eat.

Get to know your Calories

Not all healthy food is the same as “not getting fat.” Avocados and nuts, for example, are extremely beneficial but should be limited in calories.

Similar situations can occur with fruits. Fruits contain high amounts of sugar so it is important to eat them in small amounts. Natural juices are also high in sugar and calories.

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How to Treat Gout Naturally?

Gout was once a “disease for kings” due to the excessive consumption of alcohol and heavy foods. It is now more common in the mass population.

The best natural treatment for Gout contains Boswellia and Curcumin: Gout Treatment

What is Gout?

Gout prevalence has more than doubled in the United States over the past 30 year according to research. A 2019 study published in English in Arthritis & Rheumatology found that gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis.

Experts believe the rise in cases of gout is due to high blood pressure and obesity. Gout can be caused by being overweight or taking diuretics to treat hypertension.

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Age is a factor in the increase in risk. Research shows that the disease is present in 13% and 6% respectively of men and women before the age 75.

Gout is twice as common in men than it is in women, at least up to age 60. This is because women’s hormones protect against the disease. Jasvinder Singh M.D., professor of Medicine at the University of Alabama Birmingham and director of research on rheumatology at Birmingham Veterans Medical Center. After menopause, women are more likely to develop this condition.

It can cause severe Joint Pain

Gout is one the oldest known diseases. It is caused by prolonged accumulations of uric acid. Gout is caused by uric acid crystals forming in the joints. This causes severe swelling and pain.

The most common joint to be affected is the one at the base your big toe. Gout can affect any joint, even the ankle, knee, or elbow. You’ll be able to tell it when it happens.

Philip Chu, M.D., a Duke Health physician, says that while you will feel normal, you will feel fine and then suddenly you’ll experience intense pain.

Patients often end up in the emergency department because of their intense pain.

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Chu observes that patients can go quickly from feeling 0 pain to feeling 10 out of 10, very quickly. It can be worsened by the smallest movement or touch. It can even cause discomfort for patients to wear a sheet on top.

Gout is diagnosed by a doctor who will either order a blood test to check the level of uric acid or take fluid from the affected joint and search for uric crystals.

Flares are a form of gout attack that can last from a few days to a full week. This is when anti-inflammatory medication, steroids, and a medication called collchicine can relieve the pain.

Gout attacks Prevention

Singh says that some patients might not have another attack for up to five years after the initial one. The third attack usually happens within six months to one year. As time goes by, attacks become more common.

Gout attacks without treatment can cause stiffness, joint pain, severe joint problems, nodules called tophi under the skin, and eventually permanent bone or joint damage.

Gout attacks can be prevented by lifestyle changes such as weight loss, abstinence from alcohol and a healthy diet. Consuming low-fat milk or low-fat cheese can help reduce uric acid levels. Your doctor might recommend that you avoid alcohol, seafood, sugary drinks, and red meat (especially organ meats) as these contain purines which can cause a flare-up.

Gout often appears in the Hand: Gout Hand

Lifestyle changes are unlikely to reverse or counteract gout. According to Singh, most patients will be able to prevent future attacks by taking a uric-lowering medication such as allopurinol and febuxostat.

The American College of Rheumatology recommends that patients with at least two flares per year or those who have experienced a flare-up as well as elevated uric acid, kidney problems, tophi nodules, signs of joint damage, and certain other conditions, take medication.

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Many men in their 40s realize that their sexual power is less than it was when they were in their 20s and 30s. Why is this?

This text will tell you if this is a typical situation for men at your age and what to do in the event that he fails.

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What Age should a Man lose his Potency?

Many people anticipate some changes in their lives. But 40 years is not a good age to have erection issues. It is at this age, however, that problems can begin to develop.

Erectile dysfunction can occur in men of all ages and for many reasons. However, it is more severe at this stage. It is just that 40-year-old men can experience many changes because this marks the beginning of middle life.

A survey by the University of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Aging Male Study found that 40% of men have potency issues at this age. Erectile dysfunction can cause a man to have an incomplete erection and may also be associated with sex problems that result in 50% or more of his attempts.

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What are the Different Types of Erections Available?

There are three types: spontaneous nocturnal, psychogenic, and reflex erections. Adolescence is a time when psychogenic erections are quite common. Think of something sexually related, picture a situation, or recall someone and your penis will become erect.

For erection to take place, stimuli must be received from the sensory organs, such as sight, hearing and smell. Psychogenic erection can occur with a variety of stimuli. Little stimulation is required at the beginning of a sexual relationship. As time goes on, stimulation becomes more important and the man has more control over this type of erection.

Reflex erection occurs when the man receives a tactile stimuli in the organ. Paraplegics can also use reflex erection if their erectile tissue remains healthy. Nocturnal erections can occur spontaneously and are most common during REM sleep. Many occur at night in younger men. There may be as many as four to five per night by the time you reach 40.

What causes Impotence in Men this old?

Are you one of those men who wonder “I’m 40, why am I having erectile dysfunction?” Erectile dysfunction can start at any age. There are many factors to consider.

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Cardiovascular Problems

Erectile dysfunction could be caused by many different factors, including metabolic syndrome. This can cause diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other serious diseases.

ZB Impotence can occur up to 2 years before the diagnosis of coronary heart disease. This serves as a wakeup call for men. Heart disease is a blockage in blood vessels, which can affect the whole body. Because erection involves filling the penis and supplying blood, impaired blood flow can also impact sexual function.


Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by smoking. Men who smoke early in life may start to notice effects on erection by 40. Smoking stimulates fat deposits in the vessels, which can cause a reduction in blood flow to the penis.

Nicotine can also affect the blood flow regulation valve. The blood begins to leak, and the erection doesn’t last. The inhalation of tobacco substances by smokers can lead to overloading of the heart function. It also alters the heart rate and blood pressure.

These effects of sexual impotence can be caused by smoking, daily intake, and time spent smoking. However, it can be a very bad habit and cause serious harm to your sexual life.

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Hormonal Issues

Men can feel the effects androgenic age syndrome (also known as andropause) at 40.

Low testosterone levels in men can lead to a decrease in libido. A testosterone deficiency is a condition that causes a man to have a low sexual and physical disposition. This can also make it difficult for him to erection.