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Many men in their 40s realize that their sexual power is less than it was when they were in their 20s and 30s. Why is this?

This text will tell you if this is a typical situation for men at your age and what to do in the event that he fails.

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What Age should a Man lose his Potency?

Many people anticipate some changes in their lives. But 40 years is not a good age to have erection issues. It is at this age, however, that problems can begin to develop.

Erectile dysfunction can occur in men of all ages and for many reasons. However, it is more severe at this stage. It is just that 40-year-old men can experience many changes because this marks the beginning of middle life.

A survey by the University of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Aging Male Study found that 40% of men have potency issues at this age. Erectile dysfunction can cause a man to have an incomplete erection and may also be associated with sex problems that result in 50% or more of his attempts.

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What are the Different Types of Erections Available?

There are three types: spontaneous nocturnal, psychogenic, and reflex erections. Adolescence is a time when psychogenic erections are quite common. Think of something sexually related, picture a situation, or recall someone and your penis will become erect.

For erection to take place, stimuli must be received from the sensory organs, such as sight, hearing and smell. Psychogenic erection can occur with a variety of stimuli. Little stimulation is required at the beginning of a sexual relationship. As time goes on, stimulation becomes more important and the man has more control over this type of erection.

Reflex erection occurs when the man receives a tactile stimuli in the organ. Paraplegics can also use reflex erection if their erectile tissue remains healthy. Nocturnal erections can occur spontaneously and are most common during REM sleep. Many occur at night in younger men. There may be as many as four to five per night by the time you reach 40.

What causes Impotence in Men this old?

Are you one of those men who wonder “I’m 40, why am I having erectile dysfunction?” Erectile dysfunction can start at any age. There are many factors to consider.

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Cardiovascular Problems

Erectile dysfunction could be caused by many different factors, including metabolic syndrome. This can cause diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other serious diseases.

ZB Impotence can occur up to 2 years before the diagnosis of coronary heart disease. This serves as a wakeup call for men. Heart disease is a blockage in blood vessels, which can affect the whole body. Because erection involves filling the penis and supplying blood, impaired blood flow can also impact sexual function.


Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by smoking. Men who smoke early in life may start to notice effects on erection by 40. Smoking stimulates fat deposits in the vessels, which can cause a reduction in blood flow to the penis.

Nicotine can also affect the blood flow regulation valve. The blood begins to leak, and the erection doesn’t last. The inhalation of tobacco substances by smokers can lead to overloading of the heart function. It also alters the heart rate and blood pressure.

These effects of sexual impotence can be caused by smoking, daily intake, and time spent smoking. However, it can be a very bad habit and cause serious harm to your sexual life.

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Hormonal Issues

Men can feel the effects androgenic age syndrome (also known as andropause) at 40.

Low testosterone levels in men can lead to a decrease in libido. A testosterone deficiency is a condition that causes a man to have a low sexual and physical disposition. This can also make it difficult for him to erection.