
How important is Good Nutrition for Health?

Food is a source of energy and nutrients for the body. They strengthen your body and boost your immune system. This makes them essential for your physiological development and overall health. However, each food has its own characteristics and different effects on the human body. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between eating and eating well. Find out here about the importance of healthy nutrition and the different roles of food in your body.

The benefits of good nutrition on digestion

There is an obvious link between diet and the digestive system. However, this relationship is much more complex than it seems. Many people are convinced that the time it takes to digest food depends solely on the amount of food consumed. This analysis is partly wrong. The quantity of food does play a role. But it is mainly the nature of the food that matters. Fruit and vegetables are mainly made up of water and fibre. This makes them easy to digest and facilitates transit. In contrast, foods rich in sugar or fat slow down the digestive system. This considerably increases the time needed to convert them into energy.

The role of food in muscle and bone development

Food is one of the most important factors in your physiological development. This is because food contains nutrients and other substances that are beneficial to the body. Once consumed, they are converted into calories and sent to the bone and muscle fibres. This allows for their gradual strengthening and long-term development. Following this logic, a lack of nutrients has the opposite effect. The body wastes away, muscles atrophy and bones become brittle. The symptoms of obesity and osteoporosis gradually start to appear. So there is a link between nutrition and health that no one can dispute.

The impact of diet on cognitive abilities

The proverbial healthy mind in a healthy body is far from unfounded. A good diet is beneficial to the body in three ways. It allows for rapid digestion, a constant supply of energy and significant physiological development.

The body then enters a virtuous circle and provides the brain with all the calories it needs to function properly. This is why chess players do not neglect the aspect of fair and sustainable consumption. They pay as much attention to their diet and physical condition. They are aware of the true demands of their mind. The current chess champion is a world famous model

The impact of nutrition on sleep

The impact of your food choices on your various activities is clearly defined. But what about your sleep? Is a good diet essential for a good night’s sleep? Here is the answer.

Sleep is a time for your body to rest. It allows your body and mind to recover the energy spent earlier in the day. But the body never really stops working. So even when you sleep, you are using up calories. That’s why you need to eat properly. By choosing the right foods, you can ensure a calm and peaceful night.

Furthermore, products with added sugars have the opposite effect on your body. They make you hyperactive and prevent you from falling asleep. Fatty products are also not recommended in the evening. They prolong the digestion phase and reduce the time you spend resting.

In conclusion, your food choices have a direct impact on your nights and the quality of your sleep.

The consequences of malnutrition

Malnutrition is the regular and excessive consumption of foods with low nutritional value. It is considered the exact opposite of good nutrition. As such, it is harmful for many reasons. Firstly, it weakens your immune system. Secondly, it causes a hormonal imbalance that affects the whole body. Thirdly, it forces you to increase the amount of money you spend on medical care.

Weakening of the immune system

The body is able to resist diseases and infections thanks to its immune system. It is a kind of protection, a kind of anti-virus that is present in every organism and develops over time. To function properly, the immune system needs energy. They therefore draw on the calories and nutrients contained in your meals.

A person who is malnourished either eats too little or eats low-energy foods. Such a lifestyle does not help to build up the immune system. As a result, people who are malnourished are much more likely to fall victim to disease or illness.

The development of hormonal dysfunctions

Hormones are molecules that play a key role in every aspect of your life. Some make you feel joy, some are used to generate fear and some are responsible for managing your sex life. The hormonal system is constantly active. This is why it needs a significant amount of nutrients.

Malnutrition does not allow the body to provide the hormones with the calories they need to function properly. As a result, the hormones are unable to perform all their tasks. This results in :

  • difficulty in concentrating;
  • tantrums;
  • Continuous fatigue;
  • erectile dysfunction, etc.
  • Increased medical expenses, etc.

In conclusion, every aspect of your life is affected.

Increased medical expenses

A malnourished body is constantly in bad shape. No matter how much you eat, your nutritional needs are not met. The body is therefore unable to develop properly. This leads to a series of malfunctions and increasingly frequent medical visits.

Malnutrition is not the result of an infection or pathology. It is the result of dozens of irrational food choices. It therefore leaves severe after-effects on the body. It is very difficult to treat all the effects. This is why sufferers are forced to spend a fortune on consultations, medicines and treatments of all kinds.