What are the Causes of Gout?

Gout is caused by high blood uric acids concentrations (hyperuricemia), where crystals of uric Acid build up in the joints. These crystal accumulations can cause painful inflammation around and in the joints.

Here you will find a completely natural Treatment: Gout Treatment

What is Gout?

Gout is more common among men than it is in women. Gout usually affects middle-aged women and men in their late twenties. Although it is uncommon in young people, the severity of the disease is more severe in those who were diagnosed before age 30.

High levels of uric acids in the blood can cause gout. This condition is called hyperuricemia and is often passed on. High levels of uric acid are caused by excessive or inadequate kidney function. While some foods may contain high levels purines (chemical compounds which form uric acids when metabolized), the majority of uric acid in blood comes from diet.

People with metabolic syndrome have higher blood levels of uric acids. The metabolic syndrome can lead to a large waistline due to excess abdominal fat, hypertension, resistance against insulin (called insulin resistance), elevated blood sugar levels and abnormal blood lipids.

In this Channel you will learn all about Gout and its Treatments: Gout Home Remedy

Gout Causes

Uric acid is a byproduct of the destruction of nucleic acids in cells (ribonucleic and deoxyribonucleic acids [RNA]). Because the body constantly breaks down cells and creates new ones, it is only found in very small quantities in the blood. The body can also convert certain foodstuffs, known as purines, into uric acids. Purines are the building blocks of DNA and RNA. Uric acid is eliminated mainly by the kidneys, but less often through the gastrointestinal tract.

The following are the reasons why blood levels of uric acid can be abnormally high:

This is most often caused by a decreased elimination of uric acids by the kidneys and by the gastrointestinal systems.

Sometimes, excessive consumption of purines-rich foods, such as seafood, red meat, and/or alcohol, particularly beer, can lead to a high level of inflammation.

Gout presents different Symptoms: Gout Symptoms

Rarely, excessive uric acid is produced.

Even if the kidney function is good, uric acid levels can become abnormally high if the kidneys are unable to adequately eliminate it through urine. The subject’s genes are usually responsible for this condition. A high level of uric acids in the blood can cause crystal formation in the joints.

These conditions can also affect the kidney’s ability to eliminate uric acid.

There are several types of kidney Disease:

Certain drugs

Saturnism (lead poisoning)

Consuming too many purine-rich foods, such as red meat, liver and kidneys, shellfish, red meat, red meat, liver and kidneys, anchovies and asparagus, consommes and herring, meat sauces & soups, mushrooms and mussels, sardines and sweetbreads can raise blood uric acid levels. Gout sufferers may not be able to reduce their uric acid levels by following a strict low-purine diet. Gout was once a disease of the wealthy, as it was rare to find meat or fish.

Combining high-purine diets and alcohol, particularly beer, or drinks with high-fructose Corn Syrup can lead to more problems. All of these drinks can increase the production of uric acids and make it harder for the kidneys to remove them.

In this Pharmacy you will find many Home Remedies that will help you to prevent Gout: Home Remedies For Gout

Gout is not a common condition for people with a high blood level of uric acid. High levels of blood uric acids can lead to high levels in the joints. This causes uric acid crystals to form in the joint tissue, as well as in the intra-articular fluid (or synovial fluid).

Gout is most commonly a problem in the feet, particularly the big toe. Gout can cause swelling, pain, and redness in the big toe. Gout can also affect the ankle, instep and knees, wrist, elbow, wrist, wrist, and elbow.

Gout Symptoms

A flare-up is characterized by severe pain that suddenly appears in one or more of the joints. This happens often at night. The pain becomes more severe and can often become unbearable, especially when you move or touch the joint.

  • The joint becomes inflamed, swollen and warm.
  • Sometimes, other symptoms can also be a sign of a flare up.
  • Fever
  • Tachycardia is an acceleration of the heart beat
  • General feeling of sadness
  • Chills are very rare

The first symptoms usually affect one joint and last for no more than a week. The symptoms gradually fade, the joint function is restored and they disappear completely. Untreated flare-ups can last longer, affect more joints, and occur more often if gout is worsened. Flare-ups that are not treated can last for up to three weeks.

If you have a flare up and feel ill, call your doctor immediately. Gout can cause joint deformities and severe flare-ups if it is not treated. As a result, joint mobility can become increasingly restricted over time due to damage from uric acid crystals in the joints and tendons.

Gout often appears in the Foot: Gout Foot